Powerplay Magazine | April 2017
‘Stolen Hearts’
Blues Rock
With her fifth studio album ‘Stolen Hearts’ Finnish guitar goddess Erja Lyytinen has really hit upon something special. Her traditional blues roots are there and of course her smooth, slinky guitar work permeates every track, but this time she has crafted some truly exquisite songs. That’s not to say great songs are absent from her back catalogue, but every song on ‘Stolen Hearts‘ is so accessible, so enticing, so open. This isn’t just an album for blues fans, or even rock fans, it’s an album for everybody. Blues fans will still lap up ‘Black Ocean’, rockers will still love ‘Stolen Hearts’, but at the same time Erja has dipped into a well of melodies and hooks, progressions and grooves that will connect with anyone that hears them. She has channelled the essence of what makes songs great, what takes them into peoples hearts and keeps them there. ‘Stolen Hearts’ is also an album that will stand the test of time, because it grows and gives more with every listen.
Erja Lyytinen is a truely gifted artist whose potential is really blossoming – her singing, her guitar playing and most importantly her song writing hitting new heights. A quite beautiful album in every respect.
Reviewed by – Chris Kee